Meet Bernard

London, United Kingdom

With the idea of bringing the brands we love from around the world nearer to home, Meet Bernard opened its menswear store 10 years ago. It grew into a thriving hub and 5 years on from opening, with the premises adjacent becoming available, the womenswear store was born. It’s Beautiful Greenwich location is steeped in maritime history and surrounded by grassy parks, which means popping into the store is often part of a whole day out. This brings an eclectic bunch of customers through our doors and we love that about Meet Bernard. Locals and tourists alike, we strive to give everyone friendly and honest service, in a neat and modern space that presents great quality fashion, which we are truly proud to sell. That’s why we take such care in choosing the right items for our shop. We work with some wonderfully diverse brands, have established good working relationships and we believe in their values. We want our customers to trust that the purchases they make are ones that we, ourselves would be happy to make too. Our aim is to deliver uncompromising quality, a stylish offering in a relaxed and comfortable environment.